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12/7/2024 God is Faithful to His PromisesFriends, In our Gospel today, we are introduced to the prophetic message of John the Baptist, who calls for repentance and the preparation of hearts for the coming of the Messiah. The passage, with its vivid imagery of valleys being filled, mountains made low, and crooked paths straightened, presents a powerful message of renewal and hope. It begins by naming the political rulers of the time - Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate, Herod, and others - who represent the power structures of the world. These rulers represent a world marred by sin, injustice, and suffering. Regrettably, not much has changed in our day. In both the historical and present day context, God’s voice breaks through. In the face of the political and social turmoil of their and our time, this was and still is a message of profound hope. We live in very difficult times. Social and political division are pervasive and persistent themes in our news, social media and conversations. It is easy (and our human tendency) to let this occupy an inordinate amount of space in our minds and hearts. When we are in the midst of this, we can easily feel distant from God’s loving presence. John’s role as a prophet was to prepare the people for the coming of the Messiah by urging them to repent and make their hearts ready. His call to repentance is not just about turning away from sin, but also about making space for God’s transformative work in their lives. It is an invitation to clear away the obstacles that hinder the right relationship with God. When we open ourselves to His forgiveness and renewal, we make room for God to enter our lives with His grace and mercy. This is a message of hope for those of us who feel burdened, oppressed, or discouraged. It reminds us that no matter how difficult or painful life may seem, God’s salvation is at hand. We can look to the simple ways God has and will continue to bring us hope. The evidence is all around us. No matter what happens in our lives, morning comes, the sun shines or rain falls which brings life and light to the world. Rain will clean and refresh the world around us. The sun will surely come and nourish the plants and our souls with light and warmth. Night comes for our rest and restoration of our body and soul. Take these cues that God provides each of us every day to: pause, be thankful and notice His work of renewal amidst our world, and create the space for God to share His particular hope and renewal for us. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we are reminded that God is faithful to His promises and that He is working to bring about the fullness of His kingdom, where hope and peace will reign forever. Wishing you and your family and Happy and Blessed Advent! Deacon Joe Torti Deacon Joe and Kim Torti Comments are closed.
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