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1/17/2025 God’s Spoiled ChildrenI’m convinced that the holiest people that I’ve encountered, are the ones who recognize what God has done for them. Whether if their lives or comfortable or if they are going through struggle and distress, these holy people have the ability to recognize His presence and His immense love in their lives. This Sunday’s Gospel is one of my favorites. Obviously, it is fun to meditate on the beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth and the interaction between Him and our Blessed Mother is quite impactful. The fact that this miracle happened at a wedding also presents a fun way of showing God’s relationship with His people. But my favorite aspect of this miracle, is that it shows God may want to spoil his people. This may sound weird but let me explain. Sometimes we live our faith lives thinking that God only gives us just enough grace to get by. Sometimes we think that God will only give us what is necessary for our lives and nothing more. The reality is though, that God gives us an abundance of riches that we do not deserve. He is a loving Father who wants to give. At the wedding in the book of John, you may notice that after Jesus turns the water into wine, that the master was confused about why that wine tasted better than the previous wine that was served. Jesus had no reason to have his miraculous wine taste better than the “good wine,” but he may have done it to spoil the guests a bit. In various other Gospel passages, we can recognize other fun themes of Jesus spoiling his people. When he multiplied the fish and the loaves, he very well could’ve made the proper amount of food to feed his people so they can no longer feel hungry. He instead multiplied the loaves and the fish to the point where there is plenty left over. He could’ve given them “just enough,” but rather, He spoiled them a bit. The leftovers can be a sign of God’s immense love for us. I bring this up because sometimes I forget that God really does spoil me. He was not bound by obligation to die for me. He doesn’t become less powerful if I don’t have the promise of eternal life. He no longer ceases to be God if no one chose to follow Him. The fact that he intervenes in our lives is, in fact, spoiling us. We never deserved His redemptive grace, but we received it anyways. We are spoiled. ![]() Let us keep the idea that God loves us immensely. Even in times of apathy or distress, God doesn’t cease to love us. God Bless, Brett Becker Youth and Young Adult Minister Comments are closed.
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