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1/11/2025 Holy Trinity revealedDear Parish Family, In today’s Gospel, we encounter another great epiphany. In the Baptism of our Lord, the Holy Trinity is revealed to us. This is one of the most clear moments where we hear about ALL three persons in God. The Holy Spirit descending in the bodily form of a dove, visible for all present to see. The voice of God speaking, revealing Jesus as his son, both human and divine, heard also by those present. Jesus, God made flesh present in the waters with John. The Holy Trinity, one true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, shows Himself in Christ, through Him, with Him and in Him. We are so loved by our God, that he humbled himself to be made flesh like us. He continues to unite himself to us. At his Baptism, Jesus being divine and free of any sin, humbled himself and had John baptize him. He had no need to be cleansed by the waters of baptism, for he had no sin to be washed away. Rather, through his baptism he sanctified the waters by his descent into them. It is out of love, that he reinforces this as a sacrament, for us. For us Baptism not only forgives sins, but infuses the life of God into the soul, making us God’s children. In the Rite of Baptism, we are anointed with the Chrism oil, as priest, prophet and king. This should be a reminder of our mission, just like Jesus, after he was baptized he began his ministry; we too are given the power through the Holy Spirit to go out into the world and begin our ministry. With every sacrament, we continue to receive His grace and strength to follow in Jesus’ path. ![]() In celebration of Jesus’ baptism and our own, look for your baptismal keepsakes and share them with your family. Let us celebrate that we too are God’s beloved. Siempre Adelante, Tere Delgado Faith Formation Minister Comments are closed.
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