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12/13/2024 If Every Day Was Like ChristmasDear friends on the journey, These last eight weeks have been exceptionally challenging for so many in our community. So much loss of life, health, property, security, and stability has affected me here at Padre Serra and personally. Grief and stress have taken a toll on my body, mind and soul. I know I’m not alone in the experience as I’ve sat with many others going through something of their own. And in the late, dark hours, I have felt God’s assurance that he is with me in the storm. So, the sights and sounds of Christmas have been a welcome lift to my spirits (even two weeks before Thanksgiving)! Decorated houses bring so much joy and light to the longer nights. And Christmas would not be complete without music, especially Elvis’ holiday albums. I’ve been listening to Elvis all my life but the other day I was struck deeply by his song If Every Day Was Like Christmas. Oh why can’t every day be like Christmas, Why can’t that feeling go on endlessly For if every day could be just like Christmas, What a wonderful world this would be Haven’t we all wondered that too? What is it about this time of year that seems to change us for the better? Everyone’s mood and spirit are lighter. Generosity increases. More compassion and kindness are extended. Reconciliation in relationships becomes important. Calls for peace and goodwill are shouted a little louder. So yes, why can’t every day of the year be like Christmas? Why can’t we experience all this in spring and summer too? In March, how can we shout for the same joy, O daughter Zion? In May, why can’t we cry out with the joy and gladness for our savior preached by Isaiah in today’s Responsorial Psalm? In July, how can we rejoice, like we are today on Gaudete Sunday? In September, why can’t truly work on bringing about the peace that God promises in the second reading? I think we can find answers in our gospel. John the Baptist tells us to share our goods and food with someone who has nothing, to be satisfied with what we have, to live our baptism in Christ, and to receive and preach the Good News always, not just seasonally. The Good News is our faith and belief that brokenness, suffering and death do not have the final word, that resurrection, new life, healing and love will always come. Jesus gave his life to make this promise known to us. Shouldn’t we lean on that more? It is this Good News that helps my heart, spirit and body heal after so much loss. ![]() As we approach Christmas, let us resolve to carry Christmas spirit, generosity, gladness, joy, light, and peace into the new year to make every day like Christmas. Happy Advent and Merry Christmas, Teresa Runyon Pastoral Associate Comments are closed.
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