We are dedicated and committed to protecting all God's children.
We follow the policies and procedures set forth by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and our Parish Safeguard the Children Committee.
A Prayer for Healing
Holy Spirit, comforter of hearts, heal your people’s wounds and transform brokenness into wholeness.
Grant us the courage and wisdom, humility and grace, to act with justice.
Breathe wisdom into our prayers and labors.
Grant that all harmed by abuse
may find peace and justice.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Working Together to Prevent Child Abuse
Annual training is provided to adults and parents ministering with children. For more information and how to work together to prevent child abuse...
Annual training is provided to adults and parents ministering with children. For more information and how to work together to prevent child abuse...
About Parish Safeguard the Children Committee
We have a Parish Safeguard the Children Committee that serves as the eyes, ears and voice for children and the vulnerable in our community. Our Safeguard the Children Committee is comprised of PSP staff and parishioners credentialed in clinical psychology, marriage & family therapy, VIRTUS® training facilitators, retired emergency services personnel, and concerned parents. For more information about the PSP Safeguard the Children Committee and our ongoing efforts, please contact [email protected]
Over the last several years, the committee has worked with the parish leadership and staff to provide a safe environment for our children, resulting in a number of improvements and the implementation of important policies and procedures:
We have a Parish Safeguard the Children Committee that serves as the eyes, ears and voice for children and the vulnerable in our community. Our Safeguard the Children Committee is comprised of PSP staff and parishioners credentialed in clinical psychology, marriage & family therapy, VIRTUS® training facilitators, retired emergency services personnel, and concerned parents. For more information about the PSP Safeguard the Children Committee and our ongoing efforts, please contact [email protected]
Over the last several years, the committee has worked with the parish leadership and staff to provide a safe environment for our children, resulting in a number of improvements and the implementation of important policies and procedures:
Campus improvements, with our children’s safety in mind
- Windows have been added, where they were lacking in offices and classroom doors, and church confessionals to provide greater visibility
- Upgraded outdoor lighting and modified landscaping to minimize isolated areas
- Security requirements that rooms be kept locked if they are not in use
- Semi-annual campus safety audits
- Incorporating findings into facilities management plan
Safeguard Practices specific to Padre Serra Parish
- Children are supervised not only inside the classroom, but also around campus, including trips to the restroom. Our youth are restricted to certain sections of campus to ensure adult supervision
- Children are not permitted in the rectory unless accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian
- One on one meetings between an adult & child must be in a public area where other adults are nearby
- An adult may not drive alone with a non-family teen/child to offsite PSP activities
- One-on-one email correspondence between a PSP adult/youth leader and a young parishioner should also copy the child’s parents. PSP staff should only use their work emails, not personal accounts
- Any parish activity involving children must include at least two VIRTUS® certified adults. Parent volunteers are highly encouraged to participate
We reinforce the LA Archdiocese’s requirement that all clergy, including those that visit from other parishes and dioceses, deacons, staff, teachers and volunteers interacting with our young parishioners must be VIRTUS® certified and fingerprinted.
All adult staff and volunteers who supervise children must be live-scan fingerprinted by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Protecting God's Children Program
This three-hour workshop helps clergy, staff, volunteers and parents to understand the facts and myths about child sexual abuse; how perpetrators operate; and how caring adults can take five important steps to keep children safe.
Keeping the Promise Alive Recertification
Protecting God's Children Program certification is good for four years, then re-certification is required to stay current. This is a free 1.5 hour training for everyone who completed the certification.
Empowering God's Children & Young People
The job of ensuring children’s safety is a challenging undertaking. The prevention of child sexual abuse requires more than adult awareness, education, and training about the nature and scope of the problem. We must also give our children the tools they need to overcome the advances of someone who intends to do them harm. The Empowering God's Children & Young People Program is a tool designed to assist parents and teachers in this important task.
Required by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for children enrolled in school or parish programs, Empowering God's Children & Young People is part of the Padre Serra Parish Faith Formation curriculum for Children, Middle School, Youth, and Young Adults. Children are encouraged to establish personal boundaries, recognize stranger danger and to understand how to seek help if they are in an uncomfortable situation.
Empowering God's Children & Young People will replace the VIRTUS Touching Safety Program for Children that has been used in the past. Our new program is a vehicle through which parents, teachers, leaders, and youth ministers give children and young people the tools they need to protect themselves and allows for continual updating on information and resources.
All adult staff and volunteers who supervise children must be live-scan fingerprinted by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Protecting God's Children Program
This three-hour workshop helps clergy, staff, volunteers and parents to understand the facts and myths about child sexual abuse; how perpetrators operate; and how caring adults can take five important steps to keep children safe.
Keeping the Promise Alive Recertification
Protecting God's Children Program certification is good for four years, then re-certification is required to stay current. This is a free 1.5 hour training for everyone who completed the certification.
Empowering God's Children & Young People
The job of ensuring children’s safety is a challenging undertaking. The prevention of child sexual abuse requires more than adult awareness, education, and training about the nature and scope of the problem. We must also give our children the tools they need to overcome the advances of someone who intends to do them harm. The Empowering God's Children & Young People Program is a tool designed to assist parents and teachers in this important task.
Required by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for children enrolled in school or parish programs, Empowering God's Children & Young People is part of the Padre Serra Parish Faith Formation curriculum for Children, Middle School, Youth, and Young Adults. Children are encouraged to establish personal boundaries, recognize stranger danger and to understand how to seek help if they are in an uncomfortable situation.
Empowering God's Children & Young People will replace the VIRTUS Touching Safety Program for Children that has been used in the past. Our new program is a vehicle through which parents, teachers, leaders, and youth ministers give children and young people the tools they need to protect themselves and allows for continual updating on information and resources.
PROTECT - New Archdiocese Website
The Archdiocese and our faith community stand resolute in our commitment to report allegations of sexual misconduct to law enforcement, support victim-survivors and protect children and the vulnerable. The Archdiocese has created a new website, protect.la-archdiocese.org, to serve as a comprehensive resource that will connect you to its programs and services for protecting children and reporting abuse. If you, or someone you know, is a victim of sexual abuse by a Church employee or volunteer, please contact the Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator at (213) 637·7650 or protect.la-archdiocese.org for help and support.
The Archdiocese and our faith community stand resolute in our commitment to report allegations of sexual misconduct to law enforcement, support victim-survivors and protect children and the vulnerable. The Archdiocese has created a new website, protect.la-archdiocese.org, to serve as a comprehensive resource that will connect you to its programs and services for protecting children and reporting abuse. If you, or someone you know, is a victim of sexual abuse by a Church employee or volunteer, please contact the Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator at (213) 637·7650 or protect.la-archdiocese.org for help and support.
Guidelines for Working with Children
Each year adult staff and volunteers receive and review the Archdiocesan Guidelines for working with children. Youth working with other youth also receive guidelines.
Each year adult staff and volunteers receive and review the Archdiocesan Guidelines for working with children. Youth working with other youth also receive guidelines.
Annual Safe Environment Parish Audit
We participate in the LA Archdiocese’s annual safe environment parish audit – a detailed accounting of parish safeguard practices and VIRTUS® certifications.
We participate in the LA Archdiocese’s annual safe environment parish audit – a detailed accounting of parish safeguard practices and VIRTUS® certifications.
Megan’s Law
We monitor Megan’s Law website and have a zero tolerance policy for offenders.
We monitor Megan’s Law website and have a zero tolerance policy for offenders.
More Resources
It is important to seek help if you or someone you know is in need of assistance. Do not suffer in silence. You may contact a PSP staff member (805) 482·6417 or call the Victims Assistance Ministry at (800) 355·2545 or Ventura County Child Protective Services Hotline (805) 654·3200.
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