Welcome. Be at home.Fr. Patrick and the Pastoral Team pledge:
We will welcome you regardless of your situation in life, whether you are single, married, divorced, or widowed, whatever the state of your marriage, including those in a mixed faith marriage and those sharing a home without marriage. We welcome you, whether conservative or liberal, old or young, rich or poor, gay, lesbian, transgender, non-binary, or straight. You belong here, whatever your race, color, and cultural background, immigrant or native-born, whether you are fully or differently abled, healthy or sick. We will welcome you whether you are struggling with your faith or firm in your commitment. We will maintain an open door and an open heart to you and offer you a place to share in the life of the parish and grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Weekend ScheduleAll liturgies, including the 5:00 pm on Saturday and the 9:00 am on Sunday, will be celebrated inside our beautiful parish church:
Weekday Mass
Message of the WeekInto the WildernessDear friends on the journey,
I’m looking forward to Lent, especially after the year that was January. Rather than ringing in 2025 with resolutions for better living we were overwhelmed by extreme wind, wicked fires, power outages and shutoffs, and a devastating loss of property, memories, and communities, leading to anxiety and stress. Many of us are still reeling from the last six weeks. I am very much in need of the quiet wilderness of Lent and looking forward to the opportunities our parish is offering. I’m particularly excited to share that we are having a parish mission to kick off our Lenten season... Faith Sharing
Coming Soon
Parish Mission
Ash Wednesday
The University Series
Blood Drive
Shadow Stations of the Cross
Men's Retreat
Eucharistic Glory
Bundle Sunday
We are your ministers and companions...We are here to listen, to help, to serve, to meet you wherever you are to help deepen your relationship with Jesus and grow in faith with His holy Church.
Blessed Sacrament Chapel HoursSunday - Friday, 8:00 am - 9:00 pm
Saturday, 2:00 - 9:00 pm Office HoursMonday through Thursday 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 3:00 pm - 6:15 pm Sunday 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Vertical Divider
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