If you wonder about the meaning and history of what we do each Sunday, you want to watch these brief presentations. The series aims to add insight and understanding to our celebration of the Sacred Liturgy.
1. From the parking lot to the doors
2. The Holy Water Font |
3. Greeting the Body of Christ |
4. The entrance procession and opening song |
5. The reverencing of the altar |
6. The Sign of the Cross |
7. Greeting |
8. Penitential Rite |
9. Gloria |
10. Opening Prayer |
11. Readings |
12. General Intercessions |
13. Preparation of the Gifts |
14. Eucharistic Prayer |
15. Our Father |
16. The Doxology
17. Sign of Peace
18. Breaking of the Bread and Prayers
19. Communion
20. Period of Silence or Song of Praise
21. Prayer after Communion
22. The Concluding Rite
23. The Courtyard or the Car
16. The Doxology
17. Sign of Peace
18. Breaking of the Bread and Prayers
19. Communion
20. Period of Silence or Song of Praise
21. Prayer after Communion
22. The Concluding Rite
23. The Courtyard or the Car
Blessed Sacrament Chapel HoursSunday - Friday, 8:00 am - 9:00 pm
Saturday, 2:00 - 9:00 pm Office HoursMonday through Thursday 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 3:00 pm - 6:15 pm Sunday 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Vertical Divider
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