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4/20/2023 Encountering Jesus in the UnexpectedDear friends on the journey, This weekend’s readings offer a number of themes, but one in particular stands out for me. At the core of this theme is the message of recognizing Jesus in the unexpected. When two disciples are walking to the village of Emmaus after Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, a man joins them on the road. Little do they know this so-called stranger is in fact Jesus himself. I imagine he would be the last person they expected to run into. Jesus certainly did not jump in saying, “Tada, here I am, people.” He did not get angry over their inability to recognize him. He simply walked alongside them and patiently accompanied the disciples as they processed the events of the previous three days. Doesn’t Jesus do that with us too? Jesus accompanies us on our road of life, a quiet, gentle and patient presence. He never abandons us but sometimes we get so busy that we are unable to see him at all, much less in the unexpected, or when life circumstances cause us to question his presence anc concern. How could Jesus let us suffer or grieve? Sometimes he shows up in the presence of others who accompany us. Here at Padre Serra, we have a number of pastoral care ministries in which Jesus is present, accompanying those in difficult, painful situations and very much in need of caring support. We have a number of support groups, each begun by a parishioner who had a need, saw a need, and wanted to address it. At the Holy Spirit’s prompting, each founding leader prayed, surveyed, and stepped out to help others dealing with the same concern. Having had the privilege to sit in on a few support group gatherings, I can tell you that Jesus is present through the gathered community. He is quietly listening as each person processes his or her respective circumstances. He is present in the prayers for courage and strength and in the sharing of practical ways to get through. His presence is palpable. If you, or someone you know, is dealing with a death, a divorce, a cancer diagnosis, living with chronic pain, or the role of caregiver, please know you are not alone.
Visit our website for the details or contact me directly: [email protected], 482-6417 x322. I care. Our parish family cares. Jesus cares and is right here, especially in the unexpected events of our lives and in the unexpected places and people, offering his love and healing. Siempre Adelante, Teresa Runyon Pastoral Associate Comments are closed.
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