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9/7/2018 Be Open![]() Dear Friends on the Journey, What relief we feel when our ears “pop” after descending from high altitude or after being sick! We can hear again. We can speak at a normal volume again. In today’s gospel one word spoken by Jesus provides even greater relief for a deaf man: “Ephphatha” “Be opened.” In that miraculous moment, the man could actually hear and communicate with the world clearly! I can only imagine his joy and relief. I admit though that I crave the silence the deaf man lived with. Granted his was likely not by choice but nonetheless there are moments and days when I long for just quiet and space void of pinging devices, voices (including my own), media, deadlines, rushing, juggling. Oh the joy to just be in peaceful silence! A few weeks back I reflected on a retreat experience that taught me how silence can heighten senses and increase awareness of God’s presence. Silence can do even more. Silence is God’s language. When we stop talking at God, he can speak to us. When we close our mouths and open our ears, hearts and minds, we create a space to encounter Jesus, to have our own “ephphatha” moment, to be open to God. In this space, we can then listen to what and where God is calling or inviting us. Over the next few weeks, we have the opportunity to consider the possibilities. Our parish covenant invites us as individuals and households to examine and reflect our discipleship – how we are living our faith in our homes, church family and neighborhood. The covenant can also help us discern what we need next on our journey. I invite you these next days and weeks to take the covenant to prayer. Sit in silence and allow God to speak. Be open. God may just be calling you to something more. Then, visit the ministry fair. There might just be a ministry to help you take the next step in healing, learning, growing, prayer, service, action. If not, come see me. Ephphatha and siempre adelante, Teresa Runyon Faith Life Minister Comments are closed.
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