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5/10/2024 Go out to the whole world ...Dear Parish Family, In today’s gospel, we, just like the apostles, are commissioned to “Go out to the whole world and proclaim the gospel to all creatures.” His promise is that those who “believe and are baptized will be saved.” He then is taken up to heaven and takes his place at the right hand of God. This great commission given to ALL of us, and the work of the community as a whole, has been very evident in recent weeks. Easter season, what an exciting time of the year! From Easter Vigil, welcoming children and adults into the church, as they were baptized and received the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Most recently, this past Sunday, we welcomed 129 children to the Table of the Lord and received the Eucharist for the first time. Next weekend there will be 84 teens and adults who will be sealed in the Holy Spirit, confirming their Baptism. If you are like me, these days always bring to mind memories of our own sacraments. I specifically remember my First Communion most clearly. It was one of the best days of my life! I desired so deeply to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, and the experience was so visceral. The level of intimacy with our Lord; I can only describe as hearing his voice so clear and loud in my soul. Being told I am loved, and created for a purpose, to love and bring others to our Lord. The grace we receive with each of the sacraments strengthens the gifts of the Holy Spirit within us to do as we have been asked. “Go out to the world.” We were given a task, but we are not left alone to do it. Our Lord has given us his example to follow, his Spirit to be with us always. And we are fed with his body and blood to strengthen and sustain us. Whether you are “proclaiming the Gospel” in an official capacity as a catechist or teacher, or as a loving parent, grandparent or friend, it’s not always about what we say, but the opportunity to be Christ to others. The sacraments not only unite us intimately with Jesus, but solidify our unity as the body of Christ. I will leave you with a quote from St. Teresa of Avila, which reminds us, “Christ has no body now on earth but yours; no hands but yours; no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which the compassion of Christ must look out on the world. Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which he is to bless his people.” Today, in a special way, let us be grateful for: Our mothers, and mother figures, who nurtured us and supported us through life. Our Church who takes on the maternal role of guiding us through life. And our Blessed Mother, who protects both the Church and all her children. Siempre Adelante, Tere Delgado Faith Formation Minister Comments are closed.
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