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10/28/2018 Highlighting the Altar Server MinistryDear Friends, You may have noticed that there are some older altar servers who wear a gold colored cincture (rope or belt). These servers have the title of liturgical coordinators. Their preparation for this role includes up to ten hours of theology training. A major focus in this training is the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ and how this mystery is celebrated in our liturgies. What do we mean by the Paschal Mystery? The Paschal Mystery is Christ’s saving life, death and resurrection. In our sacraments and liturgy Christ continues to be present with us today through the Spirit. Our witness to the faith is the life that we live — in our love for one another, as our Lord taught us through word and action. The liturgical coordinators are very much aware of this and serve our parish with an understanding of this basic truth. We celebrate the mysteries over a period of a year. These servers are taught how the liturgical year is arranged and what the church documents dictate, i.e. which feasts are major and which are minor. They learn how to find the readings in the Lectionary (book containing the readings) and to mark the Sacramentary (book containing the prayers). They study every one of the eucharistic prayers and compare their similarities and differences. This gives these coordinators a sense of ownership as they pray along with the presider in their silent understanding. Another major focus of this theology training is that “we pray as we believe and we believe as we pray.” To emphasize this fact, several prayers from the celebration of the sacraments are examined. The Gloria and creeds are also studied and their contents are examined. They learn that the Gloria, the creeds and the sacramental prayers all express what we believe. Prior to the start of the liturgy, the coordinators make sure that each assigned altar server has a unique responsibility. Once everything is in its proper place, they direct the altar servers to line up for the procession. While the servers are in line, the liturgical coordinators check that each server understands his or her responsibilities. During the liturgy they direct and assist the servers. Padre Serra Parish is very grateful that we have 16 dedicated liturgical coordinators who know how to mentor and care for all the altar servers. In Christ, Bob Shadduck Altar Server Ministry Director Also visit: Altar Servers Comments are closed.
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