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3/25/2022 Highlighting the Altar Server MinistryDear Friends, When we as Church come together to celebrate the liturgy, there is a need for dedicated ministers to take charge of certain responsibilities so that the presider can give his attention to leading the assembly in prayer. These dedicated ministers are called altar servers. At Padre Serra we have 65 dedicated young ministers, ranging in age from 10 to 19. Half are high school students and there is an equal mix of girls and boys. The altar server is an icon of service and dedication. Each altar server functions as a model of what it means to have full, conscious and active participation in our liturgies, in essence to stay focused on the Paschal Mystery. Invitation to Serve: Boys and girls currently in the 5th grade and up (at least 10 years old) are invited to join this truly special ministry. Altar server training will be on Thursday, 31 March 2022 at 4:30 P.M. in the Church. All parents must attend this session. If you are interested, please contact Bob Shadduck at 377-3527 (Cell) or [email protected]. During the training period, the servers learn the order of the liturgy so well that they can anticipate each action and need of the presider. Each server has special roles and responsibilities. They are taught to understand what their roles are and how to perform them. They know how to move, carry things, and keep stillness and silence. The altar servers can influence the atmosphere of prayer by their presence in the assembly around the altar of Our Lord. Rest assured that the assembly definitely admires the altar servers. This is a ministry that goes all the way back to the early church Comments are closed.
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