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7/21/2023 There is No Shame in AskingDear Friends, If you had difficulty understanding this Sunday’s Gospel, don’t worry, you are in good company. The parable is a confusing one. Without the proper wisdom, it is hard to decipher just what Jesus is trying to say. Who/What are the weeds? Who is the enemy that plants the bad seed? What is with all this wheat? Like I said though, if you are confused, you are in good company. The good company I mention are the disciples. They were also confused about what Jesus was trying to teach. Within their confusion, though, they did not default to pride and try to decipher the parable on their own. Rather, they humbled themselves and asked Jesus what he meant. This may seem like an easy task, but for some of us, it’s hard for us to ask God the clarifying questions. Do you ever get discouraged about not fully understanding what God is calling you to do? The anxiety of asking a clarifying question can be difficult at times. But like any teacher would, Jesus would not shame you for asking the right questions. There is no shame in trying to ask God what he asks of you. When the disciples asked Jesus to clarify the parable he just preached, he did not shame them one bit, because Jesus is a good teacher. This is why we have so much trust in our pursuit of discipleship; we have so much faith in our teacher, our Lord, Jesus. So when it comes to life’s big questions, or the questions of what God is asking of you, the best way to find the answer is to be a good disciple and ask to Jesus for assistance in your understanding. We aren’t disciples simply because of the past, and the good things that happened in scripture. We are disciples because the living God wants us to learn and to teach in the present. The best way to get a grasp of this is to ask our God without shame, with full humility. He wants to provide, sometimes we just have to ask. God Bless, Brett Becker Youth and Young Adult Minister Comments are closed.
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