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6/7/2024 Summer and CovenantDear friends on the journey, Last week I had the great opportunity to cruise to Alaska. The sun’s illumination of the immense beauty of the Pacific Northwest for more than nineteen hours a day reminded me of God’s wisdom of the seasons. I’m not certain I can select a favorite season as they each bring their own colors, sights, wonders, and opportunities. Even though I am no longer a student, or a parent of students, and work year round, I still look to summer as a break. I love summer for so many reasons. Longer days and warmer weather allow us to enjoy simple things like dinners on the patio, swimming after a day’s work, and watching sunsets at the beach. Summer beckons us outdoors to enjoy concerts in the park, BBQ parties with friends and family, and vacations near and far. Summer offers a slower pace to garden, read, and do long-awaited projects around the house. I also find summer to be a season of Sabbath, a time to slow, rest, enjoy God’s creation and tend to our spiritual life. So, at this midpoint of the year, one way to do that is to revisit the covenantal promises we made in January: Sabbath I will plan for the full experience of the Mass and be mentally present. I will prepare before, arrive early, journey through the gardens as if on a pilgrimage from my car to the holy ground of the church sanctuary, and be wide open to what will happen at the table. Gratitude Each night before retiring, I will think of three things from the day for which to be grateful. Examine In an effort to grow as a child of God, I will review my day and recognize those moments when God was most present, acknowledge my failures, and ask forgiveness. Prayer I acknowledge that any place can be holy ground (laundry room, car line, red lights ...) and make it a habit to pray when I: pump gas, enter home/work/school, hear a siren, pass any church, cemetery, hospital, or school. Jesus As I grow in my relationship with Jesus, I will strive to choose faith over fear and encourage others to do the same. Discipleship I will focus on the difficult teachings of Jesus to forgive over and over again, to love enemies, to pray for those that persecute. Evangelization I will preach the “Good News” with family and friends by sharing what God has done in my life and by actively inviting them to join me at church. Love Neighbor Recognizing that everyone is made in God’s image and likeness, and that everyone has their own struggles, I will extend the dignity and respect to each person that I would hope to receive. Charity Over the course of the next year, I will choose a local and international mission to support with my time, talent, and treasure. Stewardship (support of parish) I will examine my heart, my budget, and my schedule to see how I can support the parish in service. I invite you over these next weeks and months to focus on the promises you identified. Pray, recommit, and act. I pray that you will rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit in this delightful season of summer. Siempre Adelante, Teresa Runyon Pastoral Associate Comments are closed.
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