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12/14/2018 Let the Joy We Find In Jesus EndureDear Friends, During the third week of Advent, a rose-colored candle is added to the advent wreath to remind us of the gift of joy that God gave us in his only son, the infant, Jesus Christ. Jesus was born at a time when there was significant suffering, hardship and heartbreak. He brought the Holy Spirit, hope, unconditional love, courage and strength. By his words and deeds, he showed us how to care for each other in good times and bad. It’s important to remember that God’s joy, Jesus, is always with us. While at times it may feel quite small, the hope, joy and resiliency of the Holy Spirit is not extinguished even during times of despair and heartbreak. The resiliency of our faith carries us one step at a time through the rough patches. It helps us come together as a community to support one another and to do as Jesus would do… I initially struggled to find joy in this Advent season as I reflected upon recent events that impacted our community and parish family. And then it came to me with greater understanding when I read the following quotation from Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaugium, 6. “Joy adapts and changes, but it always endures, even as a flicker of light born of our personal certainty that, when everything is said and done, we are infinitely loved. I understand the grief of people who have to endure great suffering, yet slowly but surely we all have to let the joy of faith slowly revive as a quiet yet firm trust, even amid the greatest distress.” So, while my outward expression of joy this Advent season may be a bit different from previous Advents, my inner peace, belief, hope and trust in our Lord is unwavering. I feel this renewal and promise as I look at the infant, Jesus. I celebrate in all that He represents, all that He has done for us and all the blessings to come. I thank all of you, my Parish Family, for being a beacon of light for each other and for others in need during times of struggle and sorrow. Joy is a gift from Jesus himself. The more we help spread Joy to others, the more we live in the way God intended. Merry Christmas and God bless. Nancy Comments are closed.
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