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3/15/2019 Listen to Him![]() Dear Parish Family, In the last few days I have heard several people express how happy they were that Lent had begun. They all shared the same desire to make the much needed time to reflect on their life, make the necessary changes for the better and add extra prayer time with our Lord. As I heard this I couldn’t help but rejoice at this treasure of the Catholic Church. As St Paul reminds us in the second reading, our citizenship is in heaven, and Lent gives us opportunity for us to prepare our souls. In today’s Gospel when Peter, John and James accompanied Jesus to the quiet mountain top to pray they were witnesses to Jesus transfigured in his glory, in dazzling white garments and shining like a light, they then heard a voice from heaven saying “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” As we Journey through our lenten season, I encourage you to make this your focus of the week, find some quiet time and Listen to Him. How will we hear God’s voice? If we open our hearts to God’s inspiration, little by little through the Holy Spirit, he will strengthen our hearts with his divine love. Faith begins with a love for all things of God, and a growing desire for his love that nothing else can satisfy. We know his words in the Scriptures, listen to them with new ears. We will hear Gods voice in the breeze of the wind, the roaring of the sea, or the laughter of a child. Feel his touch in the warmth of the sunlight, or the gentle caress of our loved ones. We will see his face in all those we encounter (yes even in those whom we may find difficult to love). He surrounds us in his loving embrace. He never abandons us, it is us who choose to leave his love. When we choose sin. When we are tempted to give up and give in, let us look to Jesus transfigured in his Glory and see in him the future that is promised to us, not only at Easter but in the fullness of God’s Kingdom. ![]() Siempre Adelante, Tere Delgado Comments are closed.
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