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12/7/2017 Make Straight His Paths!![]() Dear Parish Family, Happy and Blessed Advent. One of our family traditions is to get together and decorate the Christmas tree and house. We want the house to be festive, perfect to celebrate Christmas. One of the most important rules when doing this with a group of people is always leave a clear path so that others can get through. When we forget to do this, it never fails that someone will trip over the boxes, ending with a decoration casualty. It made me think of our readings this Sunday. We are told, “Comfort, give comfort to my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her service is at an end. 1 A voice of one crying out in the desert: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.’ 2 The Lord does not delay his promise ... the day of the Lord will come.” 3 Like John the Baptist, we are messengers in service to one who is greater than we are. Our Baptism commissions us to call others to life as disciples of Jesus. Christmas is not just the celebration of his birth but a reminder his second coming is near. I ask myself, am I clearing the path for myself as well as for others to receive our Lord? What clutter do I have in the way, which can trip my step or impairs my vision to see Christ in others? How do I help others to have an encounter with Christ? How am I making this Christmas Christ-centered? How will I help others have a Holier Christmas? I am setting new goals for this Advent season to keep my focus on our Lord; will you join me? Participate in faith-growing opportunities and bring a friend. Invite at least one person to join me for Christmas Mass, and to our home. Gifts that will last all year long, gifts of presence, encouragement, support, understanding, patience and unconditional love. Put faith into action, get involved or support a charity. Be a reflection of God’s Love to others. May your Advent season be Holy. Siempre Adelante, Tere Delgado Faith Formation Minister 1 Is 40-15 2 Mk1: 3 3 2 Pt 3: 9 December 10 Comments are closed.
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