5/17/2024 Come, Holy SpirtHappy Pentecost! It’s always fun to dwell on the power of the Holy Spirit and the beauty of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Especially when we are lucky enough to watch and celebrate our own teen parishioners as they receive the Sacrament on the same weekend that we celebrate Pentecost. Whenever I find myself reflecting on the Pentecost, it often takes me some time to realize that when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles in the upper room, that it wasn’t just to empower the Apostles, but it was done so we were all impacted, even to this day. It is often said that Pentecost Sunday is the birthday of our Church. The Apostles were empowered, even in the face of fear and death, to preach the word of Christ and bring other’s salvation through His church. But why is this personal to us? Because that same Holy Spirit who empowered the Apostles to evangelize the whole world (no exaggeration), is the same Holy Spirit that dwells within us. What does that mean? It means those of us with the same seal of the Spirit, is called to do the same. We have heard it many times when Jesus asked us to “make disciples of all nations”. At first glance, that is a scary commission. And honestly, when we overthink what Jesus asked us to do, it may seem impossible and it is, if we were alone in this endeavor. We are not relying on ourselves to do what he asked, but he sent His Spirit to aid us. We are not alone in this journey, because we have each other, and we have the actual, living God who never leaves our side. With the Holy Spirit, the impossible is possible. We as a church, need to help each other recognize this reality. As we celebrate our teens getting Confirmed, let’s also show them that we are on their side. Let’s be the church that helps them to see the power of the Holy Spirit in their own lives. Let us be the examples of the living church, and let us assure them that we are here to aide them on their journey. Let us also be humble enough to ask for their aide. On behalf of all those who help with Confirmation, I want to say thank you for all of your support for our Confirmation teens. You truly are the living Church. Veni, Sancte Spiritus, Brett Becker Youth and Young Adult Minister Comments are closed.
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