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6/12/2020 Our Never Changing GodDear Faith Family, It has been more than 80 days since we have had to shut down the world. I don’t know about you, but whenever I look at the number, it is quite surreal. 2020 has been a difficult year with a lot of changes we have had to make in multiple facets. The world looks different right now, some for the better and some for the worse, and it has brought plenty of challenges to us as individuals, our families and to our nation. Sometimes it is hard for me to grasp the idea of God (like everyone else, I’m sure). But in moments of clarity I realize that our God is not a shape-shifter, but is an eternal God of mercy and justice that never ceases to change. In times of weakness, I find comfort in the fact that our God never changes. He will always love and always yearn for us. We need our God not to change, but we need to allow Him to change our world right now. In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus expresses that he is the Bread of Life. When those who heard started to become appalled, Jesus did not change his stance, but he doubled down. Christ never wavered when it came to the importance of the Eucharist, he never changed the plan to dwell with us physically, and he never will. A lot of us have been unable to receive Communion for a while. There is a strong sense of yearning for the Sacrament within our community and Catholics everywhere. Since we haven’t received Christ in the Eucharist in a while, does that mean we are lacking in grace? The answer is no. There is so much power in the Eucharist that you received before this pandemic and it would be a shame to not recognize that Christ dwells with you because of that Eucharist and that he won’t cease to do so. Yearning for the Eucharist is good. Yearning for the eternal God is very much imprinted on our souls. Let us remember that the yearning will help us have a more vibrant experience in this intimate Sacrament. Comments are closed.
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