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8/17/2017 Persistence!Friends on the journey, There’s nothing more persistent than an inquisitive toddler. Commonly heard in my house was “Mom, mom, mommy, mom” and questions like “What’s this? What’s that? Why? How?” Of course, this continued through childhood and the teenage years just with different circumstances. As nerve wracking as it sometimes was, those conversations were times of learning, sharing and growing. Now as a mother of young adults, I often miss those younger inquisitions but cherish the more complicated adult discussions today. Today’s gospel is about persistency. The Canaanite women is a Gentile, a non-believer, and so desperate to help her tormented daughter that she’s willing to beg over and over again for this Jewish man’s help. The disciples tried to send her away and Jesus was hesitant at first. Her won’t-take-no-for-an-answer approach finally wins and Jesus honors her persistency by curing her daughter. God’s like that with us, wanting us to be as persistent in our faith just like that inquisitive child and Canaanite woman. Our loving Lord wants nothing more than for us to have faith and trust in his unwavering care. God never tires of our prayers and wants to hear from us regularly, consistently, for mundane requests, life changing petitions for ourselves and others, gratitude, praise, and just every day conversation. Our faith always invokes a God response and our prayers are never unanswered, though we don’t always get what we want. How often have we asked God for something, didn’t get our way and then gave up, thinking God is punishing us or doesn’t care? That’s where persistent faith comes in. Faith is what guides us to search for God’s message in any situation, difficult or otherwise. Faith is what helps makes sense of the unexplainable in our lives and in the world. Faith is what allows us to the see light in the darkness. Faith is what inspires us to find something or someone for which to be grateful. Faith is what helps us to see God at work in our daily lives through creation, people and events. Persistent faith is trusting and surrendering our will to God’s. Easier said than done, I know. But our faith journey is a lifelong marathon, not a sprint, ever changing, always evolving and only abundant with persistence. May we always be like that inquisitive toddler, daily saying “God, God, Lord, Jesus. Where are you? Help me see you today. Thank you. I know that was you.” Siempre adelante, Teresa Runyon Faith Life Minister August 20 Comments are closed.
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