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5/19/2018 Quiet Heroes on Pentecost![]() The descent of the Holy Spirit as tongues of fire on the disciples at that first Pentecost lit the world on fire with God’s presence. That fire has not gone out, as is evident in the many quiet ways parishioners throw themselves into serving God in their care for one another. The work of the parish needs many hands. Some of it is clearly ministerial, as with those who assist in worship, teach children, or provide for the poor. Other hands, though, assist in practical ways to support our life together, often acting quietly to provide us a well-cared for parish campus, or to supply our needs. (1) I’d like to draw your attention to the back pages of our bulletin/worship aid, to the many people who support the parish quietly, providing us this tool for singing. It’s also one of our primary sources of information on the life of the parish. A very quick survey of those back pages reveals nineteen advertisers I recognize as our own fellow parishioners. Their generosity assists our parish pray and keep informed. I am deeply grateful, and encourage you to continue your parish life by supporting them when you need the many services they supply. (2) On a different note, I was standing in the parking lot with a parishioner, recently, who pointed out how beautiful everything looked. Parking lots are not often associated with beauty, and yet it’s true (even as our tipuana tipu trees are losing their leaves in their annual molt) – it must be the most attractive place to park a car in Camarillo. That is not an accident. I want to acknowledge quiet heroes, Winifred Jordan, Katherine Kruse and Mickey Hirsch, who volunteer as highlevel gardeners. They have been artfully sculpting our plants, not only in the parking lot, but also in our splendid Stations of the Cross garden, fashioning with care places that are green and life giving where we can breathe in the beauty of growing things. They’ve been volunteering for us for almost four years. We all have reason to be grateful. ![]() (3) On a similar note, essential to the everyday workings of the parish, several parishioners have made themselves available to Dcn Neil Kingsley, who keeps everything in the parish running. When Christmas trees need to be moved, when a second set of hands are needed, when chairs need to be set up, when the seasonal decorations in the church need changing, he has a wonderful crew of volunteers who step up and help out. I’d like to recognize the following men, who I’ve seen working with Neil many times over the years, including Frank Staben, Marty McConnell, Dave Gutierrez, Chuck Bueker, George Marien, and Chuck Mink. Heartfelt gratitude to all of you for what you do for us! These quiet heroes aren’t seeking our thanks. They love their God, they have a commitment to their parish, and they are willing to step up and make a difference. It pleases me to thank them anyway, and to invite you to celebrate, with me, their goodness. Perhaps you have a gift that the parish can use. Be quick to step up, taking ownership of this community’s needs. Be a blessing. Take part in setting the world on fire. Siempre adelante, Fr. Patrick Pastor Also visit: Pentecost Comments are closed.
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