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7/28/2023 Seeking the Kingdom of GodToday’s Gospel tells us about the immeasurable value of the Kingdom of Heaven, which is always present and mysteriously hidden. In both examples of the parable, the person finds the treasure and recognizes its value, filled with immense joy and giving up their previous possessions (treasures) in order to acquire it. As I meditated over the Gospel it made me think about an experience one of our Summer Camp children shared with his mother and me. One of our camp activities is a scavenger hunt; the kids have some clues to solve and go around our parish campus and find the treasures (toys). As this camper, who is new to our parish, was on his quest, he noticed the palm trees of the Prayer Garden; he thought how beautiful and wanted a closer look. As he walked into the garden he said he received the best welcome from “the myth, the man, the legend ... Jesus himself!” He said he was suddenly filled with joy and so much peace. He shared how he felt Jesus was telling him, “Welcome home, you belong here.” This was extremely impactful for him as he has been struggling with certain issues and felt that he was attending summer camp by “accident.” His joining summer camp was a very last-minute change of the family’s plans, and being new he was not sure if “he belonged.” In this scavenger hunt he found the real treasure — he had an encounter with our Lord. Friends, we too are seekers, looking for the perfect treasure. Is it the perfect job, life companion, money, happiness, etc.? All these things that we hold with so much value and importance, may only give us temporary happiness, but our Lord’s gift of the Kingdom of Heaven, will give us true everlasting joy and peace. This gift is free for us to take; he has already paid the price. When we are open to having a true encounter with the living God! How will you know if you have had this encounter with our Lord? Well there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” experience. What I can tell you is, we will forever be changed; we will know it in our souls, in our minds and in every part of our being. When we come to Mass and see Jesus waiting for us in the Eucharist, do we understand and see its true value? It is now our turn to seek the Kingdom of Heaven. Are we willing to change our ways, give up everything in order to attain it? Please pray for me as I continue to pray for you all that we may continue to have strength in the journey, and not miss the opportunities to have true encounters with our Lord. May we obtain the Kingdom of Heaven. Siempre Adelante, Tere Delgado Faith Formation Minister Comments are closed.
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