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2/21/2024 Transformation to TransfigurationLast Sunday was the First Sunday of Lent which begins in the Lectionary Cycle each year with Jesus in the desert. St. Mark’s Gospel last week spoke about Satan tempting Jesus in the desert. It was not about Satan’s three temptations that we know from Luke and Matthew’s gospels but about God’s power to overcome Satanic forces. Temptation calls to all of our lives. During the Forty Days of Lent we are to examine ourselves in our “desert time” to overcome our temptations leading us to wrongful paths, thoughts and behaviors. Lent is a time marked for our transformation, that is, to whom we are now to whom we are to be. God’s power is also with us. In today’s First Reading from Genesis Abraham offers an awakening moment for us when God calls to him. Abraham replies, “Here I am.” I smile at Abraham’s response. Of course, God knows where Abraham is. To me Abraham is also answering….... “I am listening. I am attentive. I am ready to act.” We too are to say “Here I am” but do we? Are we listening to know and see God in our lives every day? It is not only “Here I am.” It is also “Where am I?” Lent is the time for us to pray, fast and give alms wrapped in our interior reflections of where we are in life’s journey. All this opens us to a transformative question: “Who am I” living in God’s love with Jesus in my life. Mark’s Gospel this second Sunday of Lent follows after Jesus’ forty days in the desert. Jesus took Peter, James and John up a high mountain where he was “transfigured” into a different glorified substance and exalted outward appearance witnessed with his clothes becoming “dazzling white.” Like Abraham we are to answer not only “Here I am” but also ask ourselves during Lent are we on the path to be transformed to see the face of God in our glorified, exalted and transfigured heavenly body? Deacon Jack and Sharon Redmond Comments are closed.
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