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1/15/2022 Unconditional Faith and TrustDear Parish Family, As I reflect over today’s readings, I am reminded that our God loves us and knows us so well, better than we know ourselves. He gives us what we need, including the gift of his Mother Mary, our advocate and intercessor. In the second reading, St. Paul tells us that our Lord gives each of us spiritual gifts. Giving each of us perhaps a different gift, not one that we might have asked for, but what we each need. “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” 1 Cor 12:7 The gift of which we may have most need of and through which we can give Glory to God. In our Gospel today, as Jesus, his mother Mary and the apostles were celebrating at a wedding. Jesus is asked by his Mother Mary to help, they had run out of wine, and Mary wanted to spare the couple any embarrassment. Jesus reminds his mother it is not yet his time. Yet Mary says to the servants to “Do whatever he tells you”. Mary had full and complete faith in Jesus that he would do what was best for this couple. She never specifically told him what to do. That is not her role, She just brought up the problem to her son. Even though he was not yet ready to reveal himself, she had unconditional faith and trust that it would be handled. In our Mother Mary we have the best advocate, and intercessor. Our Mother Mary, from her perfect “Yes” at the annunciation and continuously having unconditional faith and trust in God. Mary endured so much, being pregnant out of wedlock could have had her stoned to death. Having to flee to save the life of her Son. Enduring seeing how her Son was tortured and killed. Yet her faith and trust never waivered. Mary’s words to the servants can be directed to us as well: “Do whatever he tells you.” We know what he has told us, our Lord Jesus put it simply, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” The second is this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30
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