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9/10/2020 Update from fr. patrickDear Parishioners,
I am praying for you, not simply that you weather these days, but that you triumph over adversity, that you not merely endure each other, but that your capacity for love becomes ever more like Jesus’ own, and that when faced with great financial or emotional difficulties, you find the strength you need each day. It’s probably long past time for an update on what has been happening. So, I am sending this message because there are some coming Mass time changes, a new entrance to the parking lot, and new paving. New Mass Schedule: The days are getting shorter, and although the summer’s warmth endures, we know that, too, will change. On the first weekend of October, we will begin the following schedule:
As before, all parishioners, including priests and deacons, will wear masks covering their mouths and noses. State guidelines permit us to wear face shields in addition to facemasks, but not in place of them. New parking lot entrance: At long last, our new entrance on Arboleda Road will be open this weekend. This will allow parishioners travelling east on Upland Road to turn left into the parking lot at both entrances. It will also permit both right and left hand turns, when exiting, at both gates. The new parking lot in the back is also available for parking for Mass on the Grass. Parking lot paving: I am sorry for all the inconvenience over these months. It is not quite over. Our parking lots require maintenance. On Wednesday through Friday, September 23rd — 25th, different sections of the parking lot will be closed for resurfacing. There will always be parking available for morning Mass those days, but the walk will probably be longer than usual on some of them. Other reminders:
As you can see, the parish is not “closed.” We carry on together in spirit, even when not in the same place. The church survived the Black Death, when one in three people in Europe succumbed. We will by the grace of God, continue to encounter Jesus and be His disciples, even in our own challenging times. Siempre adelante, Fr. Patrick Comments are closed.
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