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6/23/2018 What Then Will This Child Be?Dear Parish Family, In the last few weeks many of us have been celebrating the promotions and graduations of the young people in our lives. We are filled with pride and are so hopeful for their future. We are confident that they will achieve great things. What will they become? In the same manner, parents who are expecting the birth of their child are filled with so much love and expectations for the future. Carefully choosing the name, one which will give them much success. And with so much hope we ask, who will this child grow up to be? This Sunday, we are reminded that God calls each of us for a special purpose. Today we celebrate the nativity of St John the Baptist, chosen before his birth, given a name by God. A name that means “God is gracious.” A name that made others question, “What will this child be?” We now know his mission was to prepare the way for the Lord. Like John the Baptist, the twelve disciples, and many of the saints, the call and task were extraordinary within the history of salvation. We too have been called, most of us the call and task are more ordinary. Using their lives as our examples of how to live our life of faith. Let us ask ourselves, who will we be? What is God’s mission for me? With full confidence, living our faith in our homes and work, with our friends and families. In our ordinary actions and words, in our successes, defeats, joys and sorrows, with God in the center of all our thoughts and actions, may we lead others to our Lord. For each and every one of us have been given certain gifts and abilities to live out our mission. And if we lose confidence, let us remember today’s Psalm: “I praise you for I am wonderfully made. Truly you have formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I give you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made; wonderful are your works.” Siempre Adelante, Tere Delgado Faith Formation Minister Comments are closed.
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