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11/10/2018 Whole - Hearted TrustDear friends on the journey, Today’s readings give us stories of two women who gave when they had nothing to give. In the first reading, we see Elijah asking for something to eat and drink from a poor, widowed mom who is sure that she and her son will die from hunger. She does not have enough for all of them at that moment, much less for the days to come. Nevertheless, she does. The poor widow in the gospel was probably no different. Two coins was all she could give, a few cents that could have provided her a meal. Nevertheless, she does. As I reflected and prayed on these stories, the woman in the first reading really resonated with me. I could imagine the desperation and worry she must have been feeling. Have you ever had a day when you felt like you had left nothing to give anyone, wondered where you were going to find the energy, or you just did not feel like “adulting” another day? I have experienced similar moments, days, and seasons when I did not know how I was going to provide for the needs of my little family of five. My jar was low of food, money, energy, compassion, enthusiasm, or wisdom. I was nearing empty. I think this is just life. Not every day is going to be easy and smooth sailing. However, these women can be extraordinary examples for us of how to get through those rough days and when I think of them, the word that comes to mind is trust. Had the gospel widow already experienced God’s abundant generosity in her life that now, as a widow, she continues to trust in God’s generosity? How much trust did the widowed mother really have in Elijah’s assurance that if she gives, God will truly provide? I think we can all see ourselves in their situations. They call to mind moments that I took my worries to God and trusted he would provide for my physical, emotional and spiritual needs, and he did. Recently I came across this quote: So far you have survived 100% of your worst days. In hindsight, we can see it is so true. We are here today by God’s grace, hopefully stronger, better and wiser for the challenge and the gifts that came with it. These women remind us to trust with our whole heart that our good and gracious God will provide us with the strength, energy, wisdom and grace to give generously, to put one foot in front of the other, and to do the next right thing. Perhaps the hardest part about whole-hearted trust is accepting that the outcome may not be what we want or think we need. This week let us spend some time reflecting on God’s generous care in the past and on any situations now that we might need to just surrender our will and trust in God’s will. Teresa Runyon Faith Life Minister Comments are closed.
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